how to learn photoshop easily and how to download this software

Typically we are learn software by watching tutorials or any online course but there are lot of problem with it. because we watch one tutorials in that they are not clearly tells that so we go to another tutorial it makes difficult for to learn it .I give some method for you to learn photoshop easily.
I'm sure this method is work for you.


  1. First we install a software in google for free we can take crack version otherwise you spent money and download original's not just a photo editing we can create  animated gifs, ui/ux designs. 

     2.  After we knowing first we concentrate on tools and practice for a month .you analysis on each tool what can they do.
     3. Then we search for online tutorials or watching a series on youtube.
     4. Continue this process for two to three months it will surely work for you.
I hope you understand it


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